Fetal Alcohol Support and Information Network

Child with F.A.S.D

Who We Are

F.A.S.I.N provides parents and caregivers opportunities to help each other in raising a child with F.A.S.D. This journey can sometimes be challenging and overwhelming. F.A.S.I.N is a parent group that provides:

F.A.S.I.N ...

What is F.A.S.D.?

(F.A.S.D.) is an umbrella term describing the range of conditions and disabilities that can occur when a developing fetus is exposed to alcohol. F.A.S.D. cannot be cured and the damage to the brain is permanent.


Trouble controlling behaviour


Attention & memory loss


Poor problem solving skills


Difficulty with understanding
cause and efffect


Difficulty getting organized

Raising a child with F.A.S.D. could present some serious challenges, and we believe that parents and caregivers have valuable insights into the needs of their children. Because each child with F.A.S.D. is unique, we can all learn from each other’s experiences. Sometimes when it seems there is no answer to a problem, another parent might offer some ideas, or suggestions that work!

Join us for informal get-togethers or meet with another parent individually.

Words from some of our Members

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Contact Us

For more information, please contact us

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(807) 627-2219

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F.A.S.I.N © Copyright 2021
F.A.S.I.N © Copyright 2021